What To Expect At Crosspoint

What is a typical Sunday like at Crosspoint? 

We want everyone to feel relaxed and welcome here at Crosspoint. Wear what you feel suits you best, and come to either of our 9:00am or 10:30am services!

What is service like?

As you enter Crosspoint's doors you will be greeted by one of our serve team members who will show you where to go. Once service begins our worship team will lead in Christ-exalting, church edifying songs; followed by a sermon. Typically the services last an hour and the message is usually brought by our pastor Matt Bagby. 

What about my kids?

Kid's are welcome at ALL services, but children's ministry is available at both of our services for infants-5th grade. 

Where do I park?

Parking is available in the front of the church. If a parking spot cannot be found, then there is overflow parking located behind the church building. 

How can I get connected?

Simply click on the connect button below, fill out a connect form, and we will contact you!